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Translations IndexThese are some of my translations of Spanish articles on a variety of IT and management topics that I think may be of interest to English speaking readers and that I do for fun. Personally, I think that there is a wealth of good and interesting writing in Spanish, and I hope to share this with my English speaking colleagues. Robotic Consciousness Translation of “la consciencia no es una propiedad de la materia, es simplemente un proceso” (consciousness is not a property of matter; it is simply a process) by Raúl Arrabales published in Tercera Cultura on 15 December 2008.
Richard Feynman, his diagrams and his bongos Richard Feynman, his diagrams and his bongos [Translation of "Richard Feynman, sus diagramas y sus bongos"
by Salvador Ruíz Fargueta published in La bella teoria on 06 October 2008.]
[Translation of pOwned!by Benjamí Villoslada as translated by Ricardo Galli on 22-Nov-2007.]
[Translation of El pirita by Alfredo de Hoces published in Despacho101 on 11-Jan-2007]
[Translation of Educación Permanente by Germán Machado published in Libro de Notas on 17-November-2006]
[Translation of Humillante
by Juan José Millás published in El País on
Entrepreneurs And "Intellectual Property" [Translation of Los
empresarios y la “propiedad intellectual” by
Ricardo Galli in Ricardo
Galli, de software libre, published on 10-Nov-2006.]
[Translation of El
Commander by Alfredo de Hoces García-Galán
published in Despacho101
on 20-Sept-2006.]
Interview Ricardo Moreno Castillo [Translation of Entrevista
a Ricardo Moreno Castillo by Marcos Taracido published in
Libro de Notas
on 20-Sept-2006.]
[Translation of El
miedo hace girar el mundo (Fear makes the world go around) by
Gabriel Laguna published in Tradición
Clásica on 4-Sept-2006.]
[It is the 20th anniversary of the death of Jose Luis Borges, one
of the great writers of the Spanish language. I hesitated to
translate anything by him - so much has been translated already. See
The Garden of Forking Paths where there is a huge catalogue of his
work in English. However, the BBC World Service recently published an
interview with Borges by Noel Clark, journalist and translator, in
Spanish for the Latin American service. My wife bought me a CD when I
was first learning Spanish called “Borges por él mismo”
(Colleción Visor de Poesía) in which he reads a
selection of his own poems and sometimes gives a short commentary. As
I read his responses in the interview, I could almost hear his
distinctive and lyrical voice. And I thought that if I could only
capture that tone in my translation here, I would be happy.]
[Translation of “La
gente no está entrenada contra el engaño a través
de la tecnología” by Mercè Molist
published in El País on 15-Jun-2006].
Fuckowski: recollections of an engineer [Translation of Fuckowski:
memorias de un Ingeniero by Rafael Fernández published in
Blogs 20minutos on 14-Jun-2006. This article is an interview with
Alfredo de Hoces who wrote the book with this name. The book can be
downloaded from YoEscribo.com.
The subject of the book is the struggle between the engineer (who
does things) and the manager (who causes things to be done).]
Cardona, the last Catalan explorer [Translation of Cardona, el último explorador catalán
(source can only be accessed by subscription) by Eugeni Casanova,
published in La Vanguardia (Revista) on 11-Jun-2006.]
[Translation of Tecnología 'made in Spain' by Tomas
Delclos and Laia Reventos published in El País Semanal on
11-Jun-2006. (Tomás Delclós and Laia Reventós
[To celebrate the return of Sr. Martínez to the
blogosphere, this is a translation of the first article after his
absence: El
poder de los adjetivos published in ESTRATEGA on 10-June-2006.]
[Translation of Una
palabra difícil by Enrique Baltanás
published in Al margen de los días on 2-June-2006.]
[Translation of John Stuart Mill y las libertades by Pedro
Schwartz published in La Vanguardia Digital on 24-May-2006.]
[Translation of El
aviso de Merck, a leader published in La Vanguardia
Digital on 23-May-2006.]
[Translation of El infierno está en el Pirineo by Eugeni
Casanova published in La Vanguardia magazine on Sunday 20th May 2006.
Eugeni Casanova is the author of ´Crónica de un
exterminio. El oso de los Pirineos´ (Milenio, 2002) - Chronicle
of an extermination. The bear in the Pyrenees.]
[Translation of Wikipedia:
entre la buena fe y el caos by igor21 published in
on 15-May-2006.]
[Translation of La
historia que no incluyó Javier Cercas en "Soldados de
Salamina" by Juan José Payá in Azorín
Periodista on 29-Mar-2006. Juan Jose Paya Rico.]
[Translation of Intelectuales
by Salvador Pániker published in El Pais on 11-Apr-2006.
(Salvador Paniker)].
[Translation of Fin
de Ciclo by Carlos Sánchez Almeida published in
Kriptópolis on
[Translation of La
Sombra by Marius Carol published in La Vanguardia Digital on
[Translation of Leyendas
urbanísimas published in Los
4 on 14-Mar-2006. These give an interesting insight into
contemporary Spanish society... of a certain class.]
[Translation of Programadores
matando un dragón, which is itself a translation
from a Portuguese article on a Brazilian web site, which
unfortunately I could not access.]
[Translation of Algunos
errores de The Economist by Ricardo Galli published on
[Translation of El
profesor incrédulo by José Francisco Pérez
Cruz published in Yo Escribo.]
[Translation of Semana
Fallera published in valenciablog.com on 13-March-2006.]
[Translation of Tótem y tarea by Javier Marías
published in El País semanal on 05-Feb-2006]
[Translation of La
profecía que se cumple a sí misma by Agustín
Ijalba published in Libro
de Notas on 20-Feb-2006]
[Translation of an interview with Said Zeedani, a Palestinian
philosopher published in La Vanguardia Digital under the title of "La
caricatura del Profeta es irrelevante" on
[Translation of Libertad, y responsabilidad, de expresión
by Pepe Cervera published in 20minutos.es on 8-Feb-2006]
Translation of La
corrección de la incorrección by Javier
Cercas published in EL PAIS SEMANAL - 29-01-2006.
Translation of Individualistas
unánimes by Javier Marías published in EL
PAIS SEMANAL - 22-01-2006.
Translation of Una
Táctica by Julián Marías, first published in
ABC on 27-Mar-2003 and now available
on conoZe.com. Julián
Marías died in Madrid on Thursday 15 December 2005 at the age
of 91. He was one of Spain´s most important philosophers, a
successor to José Ortega y Gasset. His son, Javier Marías
is also a well known novelist and writes a column in the weekly, El
País Semanal.
Translation of El
derecho a destruirse by Javier Cercas published in El País
Semanal on 4-Dec-2005.
Translation of Entrevista
a Matz by FeR Martin published in his blog,[FeR
Martin] Reinventa tu vida cada día on 24-Nov-2005.
Translation of La
religión se alimenta de la muerte, an interview by Miguel
Mora with José Saramago published in El País on
Translation of Historias
de economistas ilustres: Los trapicheos de Isaac Newton by
Francisco Cabrillo published in Libertad Digital on 4-Nov-2005.
Translation of Código
libre, hombres libres by Carlos Sánchez Almeida
published in Repúblic Internet on 20-Oct-2005.
Translation of Esas
extrañas criaturas llamadas clientes by Sr Martínez
published in ESTRATEgA on 19-Oct-2005.
Translation of El
pescador by Telémaco5 published in La Maldición
de Sísifo on 17-Oct-2005.
Translation of Camellos
written by Telémaco5 published in La
Maldición de Sísifo on 11-Oct-2005.
Software as a repository of knowledge Translation of Las
cinco formas de almacenar el conocimiento… y no llegar al
fondo (the five forms of storing knowledge - and still
more to come) by Ricardo Galli.
How fundamental are the specifications Translation of ¿Las
especificaciones mandan? by Javier
Gómez published in VERSIÓNCERØ on
Translation of “Naturales
muerte y vida” by JAVIER MARÍAS published in
EL PAIS SEMANAL - 25-09-2005. Also in his own blog.
Translation of “Hacer
consultería [Dedicada a Eugenia]” by Mario
López de Ávila Muñoz in nodos
en la red.
Translated from El
arte de vender humo by Sergio
Montoro Ten published in VERSIÓNCERØ.
[thanks to Sr. Martínez in ESTRATEgA]
Quality Of Work. Managing projects “of quality” |
Quick Index
Richard Feynman, his diagrams and his bongos
Entrepreneurs And "Intellectual Property"
Interview Ricardo Moreno Castillo
Fuckowski: recollections of an engineer
Cardona, the last Catalan explorer
Software as a repository of knowledge
How fundamental are the specifications
Quality Of Work. Managing projects “of quality”
TrickyDicky |
© 2005 |