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Infrequent web log

A simple content management system that anyone can use. ( 05 May, 2003 )

The Groove
Peer to Peer computing for serious work ( 13 Sep, 2002 )

Open Office
A serious competitor to Microsoft Office at almost no cost. ( 13 Sep, 2002 )

A new web browser from the Company that bought out Netscape. ( 13 Sep, 2002 )

5K Contest
Explore the amazing creativity of web page designers when they are restricted to just 5K bytes. ( 12 Jul, 2002 )

A very good tree editor ( 07 Jul, 2002 )

A very small, fast and free editor for documents. ( 12 May, 2002 )

Fascinating archive of software, text, image and sound. ( 12 May, 2002 )

Degree Confluence
A virtual trip to all the places in the world where the latitude and longitude are integers. ( 12 May, 2002 )

I report here some of the more interesting findings in web sites and software that I have made.

Richard Blazek

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