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Dissecting Sajax (Disectando Sajax )

clbustos in  Php y otras yerbas has jumped on the AJAX bandwagon and made the little calculator example of using SAJAX (the Simple AJAX toolkit) a little more generic. He has written a Javascript object that allows a complete separation between the Javascript code and the PHP code. He posts his source.


Fundaments of Extreme Programming Part II (Fundamentos de Extreme Programming (Parte II))

 jleyva in Métricas Web posts a second in his series on extreme programming. In this post he writes about the first phase of a project; the planning.


Presentations of the group to which I belong (Presentaciones del grupo de investigación al que pertezco)

 JORGE HERNAN ABAD LONDOÑO in  Ingenieria de Software - Jorge Abad posts a link to some presentations made by his group (Software engineering in the school of engineering) at the Universidad EAFIT.



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